Companies registered in the address Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204

1 - 22 of 22 record(-s)
No.Registry codeCompany name, addressAdditional data
1306690244UAB Ąžuolų vilosAddress: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
2304944473MB "Auletos grupė"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
3301700834UAB "Ultrainvest med"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
4305916719VšĮ "Iniciatyvų plėtra"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
5306337760VšĮ "Vynuogių diena"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
6306625684UAB EkspediaAddress: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
7306646550UAB "SGU LT"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
8305243952"Mugių centras", UABAddress: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
9305681192eJura MBAddress: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
10304985395UAB "Centro technologijos"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
11306030156UAB "Logtema"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
12305716056UAB InsimetaAddress: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
13305737901UAB Curtain GroupAddress: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
14306653534Kanonik Trade, UABAddress: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
15305817112UAB "Artsta"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
16306671436MB "Imperija"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
17305818100UAB "DMDW"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
18306225206MB "Ragatke"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
19306659786BITBAB CRYPTOCURRENCY EXCHANGE UABAddress: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
20303108429UAB "Enesa"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
21306923830MB "Arivitas"Address: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204
22306340863UAB Auto ShippingUnder LiquidationAddress: Vilnius, Polocko g. 4B-20, LT-01204