In the service is available a building classification catalog. The catalog was created based on Cabinet of Ministers regulations no. 326 "Rules for classification of buildings". In the catalog, you can view building types - code, name, description and real estate transactions corresponding to the code.

2112 | Streets, roads and squares

Ielas un ceļi pilsētās un apdzīvotās vietās, tai skaitā šķērsielas, lauku, meža, komersantu, pašvaldību, māju ceļi, blakusceļi, pievedceļi, velosipēdistu un gājēju ceļi, kā arī pie šīm ielām un ceļiem piekritīgie ar transporta infrastruktūru saistītie laukumi, piemēram, transportlīdzekļu novietnes u. tml.
Streets, roads and squares

Data source and license: Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers 12.06.2018. no. 326 "Rules for building classification", Open data of the real estate market database, Open data of the cadastral information system, open data license: Creative Commons Attribution