Structures and groups of premises corresponding to the type of structures - 1251
List of buildings and premises groups in which a specific type of use of the structure has been registered.
Type of buildings 1251 | Industrial production buildings; group of industrial production premises
First 10 000 records are displayed. Total records found: 70 525. Please, revise your search criteria if needed.
1 - 50 of 10000 record(-s)
No. | Real estate cadastre number | Real estate, type of object | Real estate type | Address or administrative territory | Additional data |
1 | 44960050271004 | Building | Land and building property | "22", Červonka, Vecsalienas pag., Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5465 Property name: Galdnieku darbnīca | |
2 | 44980050400001 | Building | Land and building property | "24A", Višķu tehnikums, Višķu pag., Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5481 Property name: Remonta un tehniskās apkopes ēka | |
3 | 40640140003048 | Building | Land and building property | "Abačas", Iecavas pag., Bauskas nov., LV-3913 Property name: Sūkņu stacija | |
4 | 90680030275001 | Building | Land and building property | "Agro Lestene", Lestenes pag., Tukuma nov., LV-3146 Property name: Fermentators | |
5 | 70620120041041 | Building | Land and building property | "Aiviekste 66", Aiviekste, Kalsnavas pag., Madonas nov., LV-4860 Property name: Aiviekstes HES ēka | |
6 | 50900020034068 | Building | Land and building property | "Akas 1", Šķieneri, Stradu pag., Gulbenes nov., LV-4417 Property name: Sūkņu stacija | |
7 | 42820040305003 | Building | Land and building property | "Aleta", Straupe, Straupes pag., Cēsu nov., LV-4152 Property name: Automātiskā automazgatāva | |
8 | 42820040305004 | Building | Land and building property | "Aleta", Straupe, Straupes pag., Cēsu nov., LV-4152 Property name: Pašapkalpošanās automazgātuve | |
9 | 80880040023002 | Building | Land and building property | "Alijas", Pērnciems, Salas pag., Mārupes nov., LV-2105 Property name: Iepakojuma un iesaiņojuma ražotne | |
10 | 50480010045001 | Building | Land and building property | "Alkšņi", Daukstu pag., Gulbenes nov., LV-4417 Property name: Smalcinātava | |
11 | 50480010045002 | Building | Land and building property | "Alkšņi", Daukstu pag., Gulbenes nov., LV-4417 Property name: Katlu māja | |
12 | 50480010045003 | Building | Land and building property | "Alkšņi", Daukstu pag., Gulbenes nov., LV-4417 Property name: CPM ražotne ar dienesta telpām | |
13 | 46880010286001 | Building | Land and building property | "Alus darītava", Kroņauce, Tērvetes pag., Dobeles nov., LV-3730 Property name: Alus darītava | |
14 | 46880010286013 | Building | Land and building property | "Alus darītava", Kroņauce, Tērvetes pag., Dobeles nov., LV-3730 Property name: Graudu pārstrādes ēka | |
15 | 80700130065001 | Building | Land and building property | "Anemones", Plakanciems, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2113 Property name: Mehāniskās darbnīcas | |
16 | 90480010262001 | Building | Building property | "Angārs-apkopes punkts", Džūkste, Džūkstes pag., Tukuma nov., LV-3147 Property name: Angārs - apkopes punkts | |
17 | 80840080033001 | Building | Land and building property | "Anrī", Ropažu pag., Ropažu nov., LV-2133 Property name: Noliktava | |
18 | 62420050150002 | Building | Building property | "Apakšstacija Alsunga", Alsungas pag., Kuldīgas nov., LV-3306 Property name: Vadības ēka | |
19 | 38780080130013 | Building | Land and building property | "Apakšstacija Viļaka", Susāju pag., Balvu nov., LV-4583 Property name: "110/20kV A/ST. Nr. 87 "Viļaka" 20kV apakšstacijas ēka | |
20 | 36560030232002 | Building | Land and building property | "Arāji", Kolberģis, Jaunalūksnes pag., Alūksnes nov., LV-4350 Property name: Ražotnes ēka un katlumāja | |
21 | 98940050065003 | Building | Land and building property | "Arāji", Zlēku pag., Ventspils nov., LV-3617 Property name: Darbnīca | |
22 | 44460010437001 | Building | Land and building property | "Atslēdziņš", Biķernieku pag., Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5440 Property name: Sūkņu stacija | |
23 | 36440040227001 | Building | "Attīrīšanas iekārtu stacija", Annas pag., Alūksnes nov., LV-4341 Property name: Gaisa kompresoru stacijas ēka | ||
24 | 70620110279001 | Building | Land and building property | "Audzes", Kalsnavas pag., Madonas nov., LV-4860 Property name: Kokaudzētavas ražošanas ēka | |
25 | 76620050730002 | Building | Land and building property | "Autobāze", Zaseki, Riebiņu pag., Preiļu nov., LV-5326 Property name: Amatnieku darbnīca | |
26 | 84250040004001 | Building | Land and building property | "Autocentrs", Kalnsētas, Cieceres pag., Saldus nov., LV-3851 Property name: Metālapstrādes cehs Nr.1 | |
27 | 84250040004011 | Building | Land and building property | "Autocentrs", Kalnsētas, Cieceres pag., Saldus nov., LV-3851 Property name: Metālapstrādes cehs Nr.2 | |
28 | 88820070079001 | Building | Land and building property | "Autoserviss", Rude, Rojas pag., Talsu nov., LV-3264 Property name: Autoserviss | |
29 | 64560010272003 | Building | Land and building property | "Bajāri", Gaviezes pag., Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3431 Property name: Kokapstrādes cehs | |
30 | 66760100072006 | Building | Land and building property | "Bāliņi", Skultes pag., Limbažu nov., LV-4025 Property name: Zivju un stādu audzēšanas angārs | |
31 | 44740050338020 | Building | Land and building property | "Belvuda 2", Stropi, Naujenes pag., Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5413 Property name: Kokzāģētava | |
32 | 46640020019001 | Building | Land and building property | "Bemberi 2", Īles pag., Dobeles nov., LV-3716 Property name: Augu izcelsmes produktu pārstrādes ēka pārtikas ražošanai | |
33 | 78440030256003 | Building | Building property | "Bērzgales koks", Marientāle, Bērzgales pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV-4612 Property name: Galdnieku darbnīca | |
34 | 78440030256004 | Building | Building property | "Bērzgales koks", Marientāle, Bērzgales pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV-4612 Property name: Kokapstrādes cehs | |
35 | 80760120134002 | Building | Land and building property | "Bērzlapas 5", Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167 Property name: Autoservisa ēka | |
36 | 90620140148001 | Building | Land and building property | "Betta", Kandavas pag., Tukuma nov., LV-3120 Property name: Kokzāģētava | |
37 | 94440040082001 | Building | "Bilskas ūdens attīrīšanas stacija", Bilska, Bilskas pag., Smiltenes nov., LV-4706 Property name: Ūdens sagatavošanas stacijas ēka | ||
38 | 40720040065001 | Building | Land and building property | "Bioenerģijas ražotne", Mežotnes pag., Bauskas nov., LV-3918 Property name: Šķidrmēslu pieņemšanas tvertne | |
39 | 40720040065002 | Building | Land and building property | "Bioenerģijas ražotne", Mežotnes pag., Bauskas nov., LV-3918 Property name: Digestāta noliktava | |
40 | 40720040065003 | Building | Land and building property | "Bioenerģijas ražotne", Mežotnes pag., Bauskas nov., LV-3918 Property name: Fermenters | |
41 | 54740070034003 | Building | Land and building property | "Biogāzes stacija Lāses", Sesavas pag., Jelgavas nov., LV-3034 Property name: Fermentācijas tvertne | |
42 | 54740070155004 | Building | Land and building property | "Biogāzes stacija Lāses", Sesavas pag., Jelgavas nov., LV-3034 Property name: Digestāta seperators | |
43 | 40460060107002 | Building | Land and building property | "Bioražotne", Brunavas pag., Bauskas nov., LV-3907 Property name: Biodīzeļa ražotne-noliktava | |
44 | 70860100030006 | Building | Land and building property | "Birzītes", Praulienas pag., Madonas nov., LV-4825 Property name: Ražošanas ēka | |
45 | 84660050032001 | Building | Land and building property | "Birzmala", Namiķi, Lutriņu pag., Saldus nov., LV-3861 Property name: Rotācijas sieta ēka | |
46 | 56860020043003 | Building | Land and building property | "Birztalas", Sala, Salas pag., Jēkabpils nov., LV-5230 Property name: Kokapstrādes cehs | |
47 | 96940020050005 | Building | Land and building property | "Bitītes", Vilpulka, Vilpulkas pag., Valmieras nov., LV-4241 Property name: Galdniecība | |
48 | 70860060091001 | Building | Land and building property | "Bodnieki", Praulienas pag., Madonas nov., LV-4825 Property name: Alus darītava | |
49 | 54860100115008 | Building | Land and building property | "Brākmaņu kalte", Valgundes pag., Jelgavas nov., LV-3017 Property name: Kalte | |
50 | 64600100152004 | Building | Land and building property | "Breči", Grobiņas pag., Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3430 Property name: Kokmateriālu kalte |
Data source and license: Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers 12.06.2018. no. 326 "Rules for building classification", Open data of the real estate market database, Open data of the cadastral information system, open data license: Creative Commons Attribution