Real estate card (cadastral number:01000090030)

Cadastral number:01000090030

Address: Zigfrīda Annas Meierovica bulvāris 14, Rīga, LV-1050

Address: Zigfrīda Annas Meierovica bulvāris 14, Rīga, LV-1050

Basic data

Real estate cadastre number
Real estate cadastre number
Real estate type
Real estate type
Land and building property
Zigfrīda Annas Meierovica bulvāris 14, Rīga, LV-1050
Other names
Other names
Az Európai Elektronikus Hírközlési Szabályozók Testületének, BEREC, BEREC Office, Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, Chomhlacht na Rialálaithe Eorpacha um Chumarsáid Leictreonach, Eiropas Elektronisko komunikāciju regulatoru iestādei, Elektroonilise side Euroopa reguleerivate asutuste ühendatud ametile, Euroopan sähköisen viestinnän sääntelyviranomaisten yhteistyöelimelle, Europos elektroninių ryšių reguliuotojų institucijai (EERRI), Gremium Europäischer Regulierungsstellen für elektronische Kommunikation (GEREK), il-Korp ta’ Regolaturi Ewropej tal-Komunikazzjonijiet Elettroniċi, Latvijas Nacionālais kultūras centrs, Moldovas Republikas vēstniecība, Orgaan van Europese regelgevende instanties voor elektronische communicatie, Organe des régulateurs européens des communications électroniques (ORECE), Organet för europeiska regleringsmyndigheter för elektronisk kommunikation, Orgán európskych regulátorov pre elektronické komunikácie, Organismo dei regolatori europei delle comunicazioni elettroniche, Organismo de Reguladores Europeos de Comunicaciones Electrónicas (ORECE), Organismo de Reguladores Europeus das Comunicações Eletrónicas (ORECE), Organismului Autorităților Europene de Reglementare în Domeniul Comunicațiilor Electronice (OAREC), Organowi Europejskich Regulatorów Łączności Elektronicznej, Organu evropskih regulatorjev za elektronske komunikacije, Sammenslutningen af Europæiske Tilsynsmyndigheder inden for Elektronisk Kommunikation, Sdružení evropských regulačních orgánů v oblasti elektronických komunikací, Telo evropskih regulatora za elektronske komunikacije, Tijelo evropskih regulatora za elektroničke komunikacije, Tijelu europskih regulatora za elektroničke komunikacije, Trupi i rregullatorëve evropian për komunikime elektronike, Ευρωπαϊκών Ρυθμιστικών Αρχών για τις Ηλεκτρονικές Επικοινωνίες, Амбасада Малдовы, Европското тело на регулатори за електронски комуникации (, Органа на европейските регулатори в областта на електронните съобщения (ОЕРЕС), Тело европских регулатора за електронске комуникације

Address data

Address ID
Address ID
Companies registered at the address
Companies registered at the address
Departments registered at the address
Departments registered at the address
Institutions registered at the address
Institutions registered at the address
Real estate registered at the address
Real estate registered at the address
Transactions with real estate at the address
Transactions with real estate at the address

Actual data. Ownership (1)

Cadastral object typeCadastre designation of the cadastral object
Person's property right status
Person status
Owner's registration number or identifier
Name of owner
Data updated
Property Owners Ownership Status Updated
Cadastral object type: Real Estate01000090030
Person's property right status
Person status
Legal entity
Owner's registration number or identifier

Actual data

Actual data. Property composition (3)

Actual data. Real estate cadastre value (4)

Actual data. Real estate law shore information block

Actual data. Encumbrances (8)

Data of sanctions applied in state registers (0)

Historical data (30)


Property data updated: 07.02.2025.

Data source and license: Open text and spatial data of the Cadastre Information System, Open data of the Real Estate Market Database, Open data of the State Building Control Office, Open data of the Ministry of Justice "Data on the applied sanctions in state-maintained registers", open data license Creative Commons Attribution, Judicial Administration e - auction data, OpenStreetMap