Land unit (cadastre designation: 68700020074)
Cadastre designation: 68700020074
Administrative area: Ludzas novads
Historical record. The last, open data preparation date when the property had actual statuss:
Cadastre designation of real estate | |
Cadastral object type | Cadastral object type:  Land unit |
Administrative area | |
Cadastre number of the real estate in which this land unit is included | Cadastre number of the real estate in which this land unit is included:  68700020074 Report - Zemes un būvju īpašums |
No data |
Geospatial data is not available |
Land unit data updated: 01.08.2024.
Data source and license: Cadastre Information System open text and spatial data, Real Estate Market Database open data, open data license Creative Commons Attribution, OpenStreetMap