Building (cadastre designation: 80800021148008)
Cadastre designation: 80800021148008
Address: Stabuļu iela 61, Medemciems, Olaines pagasts, Olaines novads, LV-2127
Cadastre designation of real estate | Cadastre designation of real estate:  80800021148008 |
Cadastral object type | Cadastral object type:  Building |
Address | Address:  Stabuļu iela 61, Medemciems, Olaines pagasts, Olaines novads, LV-2127 |
Address | |
Address ID | Address ID:  106059982 |
Companies registered at the address | Companies registered at the address:  0 |
Departments registered at the address | Departments registered at the address:  0 |
Institutions registered at the address | Institutions registered at the address:  0 |
Real estate registered at the address | |
Transactions with real estate at the address |
Cadastral object type | Cadastre designation of the cadastral object | Person's property right status | Person status |
No data |
17.12.2024. State land service data
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[]{z}/{x}/{y}.png|© OpenStreetMap contributors|minZoom: 7|maxZoom: 19
Building data updated: 29.12.2024.
Data source and license: Cadastre Information System open text and spatial data, Real Estate Market Database open data, open data license Creative Commons Attribution, OpenStreetMap