Building (cadastre designation: 70700070399004)

Cadastre designation: 70700070399004

Address: Upes iela 4, Ļaudona, Ļaudonas pagasts, Madonas novads, LV-4862

Basic data

Cadastre designation of real estate
Pro Cadastre Nr
Cadastral object type
Cadastral object type
Upes iela 4, Ļaudona, Ļaudonas pagasts, Madonas novads, LV-4862

Address data

Address ID
Address ID
Companies registered at the address
Companies registered at the address
Departments registered at the address
Departments registered at the address
Institutions registered at the address
Institutions registered at the address
Real estate registered at the address
Real estate registered at the address
Transactions with real estate at the address
Transactions with real estate at the address

Actual data. Ownership (1)

Cadastral object typeCadastre designation of the cadastral object
Person's property right status
Person status
Owner's registration number or identifier
Name of owner
Data updated
Property Owners Ownership Status Updated
Cadastral object type: Building70700070399004
Person's property right status
Legal owner
Person status
Legal entity
Owner's registration number or identifier

Actual data

Physically related objects (7)

Additional construction data

Data of building structural elements (3)

Data of volume indicators for the building (2)

Building area

Cadastral value (1)

Cadastral survey date (1)

Historical data (2)


Building data updated: 24.11.2024.

Data source and license: Cadastre Information System open text and spatial data, Real Estate Market Database open data, open data license Creative Commons Attribution, OpenStreetMap