Previous addresses
Name | SIA "AAG" |
Register | Commercial register |
Legal form | Limited liability company |
Date of registration | 29.11.1991 |
Registration number | 49503000701 |
From | To | Address |
25.11.2004 | 03.07.2009 | Cēsu rajons, Cēsis, Putnu iela 2 |
28.04.1999 | 25.11.2004 | Cēsis, Putnu iela 2 |
15.10.1996 | 28.04.1999 | Cēsis, Robežu 2 |
29.11.1991 | 15.10.1996 | Cēsis, Rūpniecības 18 |
Data processing price: 0.00 EUR