1 | The land | Land | 80800090245 | Olaines pag., Olaines nov.
Actual address : Jaunolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov. | 03.02.2025. | |
2 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099001854 | Kūdras iela 3 - 54, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 31.01.2025. | |
3 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80809000372 | Pionieru iela 87 - 1, Jaunolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 30.01.2025. | |
4 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800210702 | "Vizbule 151/152", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 30.01.2025. | |
5 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80809001729 | Meža iela 3 - 11, Jaunolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 29.01.2025. | |
6 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80809001768 | Gaismas iela 4 - 62, Stūnīši, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 29.01.2025. | |
7 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80809001541 | "Kārklāji 1" - 2, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 29.01.2025. | |
8 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099003702 | Stacijas iela 10 - 8, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 28.01.2025. | |
9 | The land | Land | 80800040100 | Zvaigžņu iela 26, Jaunolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 27.01.2025. | |
10 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099004774 | Zemgales iela 30 - 44, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 23.01.2025. | |
11 | The land | Land | 80800080736 | Akācijas iela 52, Pārolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 23.01.2025. | |
12 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80809001256 | Smilgu iela 4 - 1, Jaunolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 22.01.2025. | |
13 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099004290 | Stacijas iela 36 - 38, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 21.01.2025. | |
14 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800090341 | Madaru iela 13, Jaunolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 21.01.2025. | |
15 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800021452 | Ozolmuižas iela 110, Medemciems, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 20.01.2025. | |
16 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099001767 | Kūdras iela 17 - 27, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 20.01.2025. | |
17 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800030544 | Apogu iela 5, Grēnes, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 20.01.2025. | |
18 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800170424 | "Stars 159", Dāvi, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 20.01.2025. | |
19 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099004112 | Jelgavas iela 28 - 32, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 18.01.2025. | |
20 | The land | Land | 80800200671 | "Ziediņi 5", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 17.01.2025. | |
21 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800200123 | "Rīga 20", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 17.01.2025. | |
22 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099003193 | Zemgales iela 23 - 1, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 16.01.2025. | |
23 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800180237 | "Jaunība 101", Stīpnieki, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 16.01.2025. | |
24 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800090286 | Madaru iela 5, Jaunolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 15.01.2025. | |
25 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099001599 | Zeiferta iela 20 - 29, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 14.01.2025. | |
26 | The land | Land | 80800110522 | Alvejas iela 10, Pārolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 14.01.2025. | |
27 | The land | Land | 80800201323 | "Rīga 47B", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 13.01.2025. | |
28 | The land | Land | 80800201322 | "Rīga 47A", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 13.01.2025. | |
29 | The land | Land | 80800010798 | Vītolu iela 8, Stūnīši, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 10.01.2025. | |
30 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800021447 | Ozolmuižas iela 106, Medemciems, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 10.01.2025. | |
31 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099000625 | Stacijas iela 38 - 4, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 09.01.2025. | |
32 | The land | Land | 80800200601 | "Rīga 67", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 09.01.2025. | |
33 | The land | Land | 80800120540 | "Krišjāņi 1", Pārolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 09.01.2025. | |
34 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800110373 | "Ezītis 450", Pēternieki, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 08.01.2025. | |
35 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099000846 | Zemgales iela 2 - 19, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 07.01.2025. | |
36 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800200241 | "Atlantika 126/127", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 07.01.2025. | |
37 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099004209 | Zemgales iela 2 - 87, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 06.01.2025. | |
38 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80809001258 | Madaru iela 29 - 2, Jaunolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 06.01.2025. | |
39 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80809001259 | Madaru iela 29 - 1, Jaunolaine, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 06.01.2025. | |
40 | The land | Land | 80800200582 | "Rīga 47", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 03.01.2025. | |
41 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80099004322 | Zemgales iela 21 - 35, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 30.12.2024. | |
42 | Transactions with room groups | Flat | 80809001218 | "Jauntīreļi 7" - 1, Grēnes, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 28.12.2024. | |
43 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80090060014 | Rīgas iela 21C, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 27.12.2024. | |
44 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80090060014 | Rīgas iela 21C, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
| 27.12.2024. | |
45 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800150481 | Mežinieku iela 4, Rājumi, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 27.12.2024. | |
46 | The land | Land | 80800220475 | "Puriņi 3168", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 27.12.2024. | |
47 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800140126 | Granīta iela 6, Ielejas, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 25.12.2024. | |
48 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800210765 | "Vizbule 165/180", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 23.12.2024. | |
49 | Land with buildings | Land with buildings | 80800230171 | "Straume 69", Jāņupe, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 20.12.2024. | |
50 | The land | Land | 80800110699 | "Lāčmeži", Pēternieki, Olaines pag., Olaines nov., LV-2127
| 20.12.2024. | |