Lursoft IT database and service use conditions
The current version of the conditions on 6 August 2024.
When using Lursoft IT databases and/or services (systems), every user shall observe the following conditions:
- The User promises to use information processing services provided by SIA “Lursoft IT” (reg. No. 40003170000), hereinafter — the “Contractor”, for legal purposes only. Customers may use data processing services for commercial purposes with a prior written approval by the Contractor.
- The user must comply with the restrictions set in accordance with the Law on International Sanctions and National Sanctions of the Republic of Latvia, including the prohibition to use the services provided by the Contractor to directly or indirectly provide market research services to persons from the Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Belarus, governments and institutions of these countries, companies or agencies, as well as persons representing or acting on their behalf.
- The User shall not disclose user requisites (user ID and password) to third parties. User requisites shall be used only by a specific user (physical person) who was granted these requisites.
- The User shall not perform activities aimed against system security. In case of violation, Contractor has the right to interrupt service provision unilaterally, without prior informing or explaining the reason.
- The User shall not copy the system or its part in an illegal way (illegal operations within a system are all operations activated without using allowed commands (that appear on the screen) or performed automatically without direct participation of a user in the data processing query process (applying any programs, for example, robots), independent from the purpose of such operations).
- In case there are more than 100 (one hundred) queries made during 1 (one) day’s period from one IP address using the free (public) system search services, Contractor has the right to block such IP address without provision of any explanations.
- In case a user loses all or some of user requisites (user ID or password), this shall be immediately communicated to a Lursoft IT system administrator ( A new password will be issued to the user.
- All materials published and distributed by Contractor are copyright protected. When using materials obtained from the systems, users shall observe standards as provided by the Law on Personal Data Processing, the Law on Copyright, and other legislative acts.
- Quoting or referring to data processing service content, users shall identify the source - "" or "Lursoft IT Internet databases".
- When using European Business register databases, every user shall observe National sales conditions
- By using the database of the Real Estate State Cadastre Information System of the State Land Service, the user agrees to comply with the terms of use.
Non-observance of these regulations, and/or takeover of system user rights by using third person access passwords or third person name, without co-ordination of these activities with Lursoft IT, is considered as deliberate system integrity damage, which according to legislative acts of the Latvian Republic is classified as a criminal offence. Such activities contradict the EU personal data protection standards.
In addition to these Terms and Conditions all System Users are bound by the Lursoft IT Privacy Policy.