Brandaus jaunimo klubas
Company name | Brandaus jaunimo klubas | ||||||||
Legal form | Association | ||||||||
Register code, date of registration | 304239851, | ||||||||
Status, status start date | Registered, 29.04.2016 | ||||||||
Address, address start date | Vilnius, Birutės g. 25B-1, LT-08114, 23.04.2021 | ||||||||
Data from the VAT Register |
| ||||||||
Beneficiary status |
Vehicles |
Does not have |
Data source: Open data on vehicles registered by legal entities published by the Lithuanian state company AB "Regitra" Data updated: 03.01.2025 |
Data updated: 01.01.2025
Data source and license: Open data of the Lithuanian Register Center, open data license: Creative Commons Attribution, Data from the Lithuanian State Social Insurance Fund Administration, open data published by the Lithuanian state company AB "Regitra".