About Lursoft IT
Lursoft IT is an IT company with more than 30 years of experience, the time during which it has become an invaluable assistant to legal entities and individuals by providing access not only to the general national legal information databases, but also providing a range of services enabling the companies to develop their activities more successfully. Lursoft IT offers various analytical and monitoring services for more convenient risk monitoring, including sanctions checking and supervision. Lursoft IT has developed a wide range of services for different areas - such as AML, procurements, and various target audiences - business managers, lawyers, bank specialists, financial analysts and accountants, marketing and sales managers, real estate developers and agents, policy makers, researchers and students, etc.
The systems developed by Lursoft IT open up new possibilities for organising work process - for example, automated data processing using API solutions. The services include various data sources - Latvian public and private databases, information on companies in Lithuania, Estonia, Great Britain and other European countries. This data is mutually linked and easily accessible at the same place.
Lursoft IT offers preparation of various statistics, as well as special data selections according to the client's needs - e.g., for market, industry or regional research, analysis of potential or existing clients’ portfolios.
Lursoft IT portals
To promote arrangement of business environment and inform society about business events.
- Responsibility: we are responsible cooperation partners who keep promises.
- Respect: we respect our customers, that’s why we offer everyone the best and most appropriate business solutions.
- Cooperation: we are focused on positive cooperation, so we provide every client the highest service.
Cooperation partners
Lursoft and Lursoft IT logos
Guidlines for the usage of logos (.pdf)
Lursoft IT is corporate socially responsible company which participates in business environment arrangement by supporting projects that contribute business growth, education of young and talented people, as well as providing support for social vulnerable groups in society.
- Ltd. "Lursoft IT" participates in the new project of IT competence center "Information and communication technology competence center" financed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). On 27 September 2016 Ltd. "IT competence center" together with Central Financing and Contracting Agency signed an agreement for the project "Information and Communication Technologies Competence Centre" (contract no. implementation. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Operational Program "Growth and employment" 1.2.1. the specific objective of the aid "To increase private sector investment in R&D” subprogram "Support for new products and technologies within the competence centers".
- Ltd. "Lursoft IT" participates in the project "Productivity evolution". The project is implemented by association “Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry”. Project agreement no. L-APA-10-0016.
- Ltd. "Lursoft IT" participates in the project "New user behavior interpretation algorithms for radical improvement of knowledge transfer in eEcosystem" (JAUZI), contract no. 2013/0071/2DP/ On June 30, 2014 was successfully concluded the project II. reporting period during which studies were performed experimental development creation. On September 30, 2014 has finished III. reporting period in which the work started on experimental development. Afterwards started reporting period IV which successfully continue work on implementation of activities and experimental development.
- On December 31, 2014 successfully concluded the project IV. reporting period during which were performed programming work on experimental development creation and completed work on experimental development of prototype specification requirements. Currently started work on V. reporting period and continue work on implementation of activities, including experimental development.
- On August 31, 2015 successfully concluded project VI. reporting period as well as whole project. In the last reporting period was tested and tried the new lifelong learning support system JAUZI in LivingLab conditions. For more information please check RTU homepage.