Register of Associations and Foundations | 30. June, 2023

Information about various events on a certain date published by Lursoft IT

Izvērstā meklēšanā ir iespēja veikt datu atlasi pēc noteikta notikuma vai notikumiem.

Commercial register
State enterprise register
Register of Associations and Foundations
Register of Political Parties
The Register of Religious Organizations
Insolvency register
Annual reports
Public persons and authorities
41 - 60 of 64 record(-s)
No.EventNumber of objectObject nameFollowJournal / RegisterAdditional data
41Annual reports, Annual reports, Register of Associations and Foundations40008078809Address: Annual reports, Register of Associations and Foundations
42Annual reports, Annual reports, Register of Associations and Foundations40008169258Address: Annual reports, Register of Associations and Foundations
43Changes in officials, Register of Associations and Foundations40008075198Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
44Changes in address, Register of Associations and Foundations40008075198Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
45Changes in beneficial owners, Register of Associations and Foundations40008075198Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
46Changes in officials, Register of Associations and Foundations50008318861Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
47Changes in beneficial owners, Register of Associations and Foundations50008318861Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
48Changes in entrepreneurial form, Register of Associations and Foundations40008298578Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
49Other changes, Register of Associations and Foundations40008298578Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
50Changes in officials, Register of Associations and Foundations40008272437Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
51Changes in officials, Register of Associations and Foundations40008261912Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
52Other changes, Register of Associations and Foundations40008261912Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
53Changes in address, Register of Associations and Foundations40008261912Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
54Changes in beneficial owners, Register of Associations and Foundations40008261912Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
55Changes in address, Register of Associations and Foundations40008023637Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
56Liquidated, Register of Associations and Foundations40008101912Liquidated 30.06.2023Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
57Changes in officials, Register of Associations and Foundations40008301098Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
58Other changes, Register of Associations and Foundations40008065749Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
59Changes in officials, Register of Associations and Foundations40008188475Address: Register of Associations and Foundations
60Changes in officials, Register of Associations and Foundations40008278181Address: Register of Associations and Foundations